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Tell us something about you…
My name is Anthony Intraversato, I’m 16 years old, and I’m a photographer from Portland, Oregon. I am currently a junior in high school, and I love to hike and explore Oregon.
Your favorite place on this planet?
My favorite place on earth has the be Banff, Alberta. I’ve never been but it looks extremely beautiful, and I definitely want to visit it someday. Positano, Italy is another one of my favorite places, I went for a week last summer and it was amazing.
Do you have any specific goals for your photography?
For me, photography is more of a hobby, and I want to continue to grow and get better at it. I just want to keep shooting and be happy with the work I put out.
Place you would love to visit?
I would love to visit Banff, Alberta, but I would also love to go to Iceland one day. I’ve seen so many pictures of Iceland and it looks unreal, I definitely need to see it with my own eyes.
How would you describe your photography style?
I don’t see myself having a specific style, I just make the most of my situation and shoot what I can. My shots from Oahu have been very different from my past photos, and I like the different colors and tones in them.
Do you have a favorite image or experience? If so, can you tell us the backstory?
My favorite image I’ve taken was at Tantalus Lookout in Hawaii. I flew in earlier that day and it was pouring rain, I thought there wouldn’t be any sunset at all. We still headed to the spot to get a great view of Honolulu, but then the sky blew up. I love all the colors in the sky and light it shines on the city.
Your Goals for 2018?
By the end of 2018, I want to be at 10k followers, I was almost at 5k last October until my account got deleted (I still don’t know why). That was really hard for me to deal with, but I started up again I’m glad almost 3,000 people have joined me on my new journey. I don’t care a whole lot about numbers, but It’s nice to see how more and more people to love my work.
– Anthony Intraversato
You can see more of Anthony Gallery here below or you can hit to his Instagram here.