Tell us something about you…
My name is Jackson Hall. I was born in Charlotte NC, then moved to California in the 5th grade. After high school I moved up to Oregon for a few years, then I came back down to the coast in Cali. I work as a freelance photographer/designer/videographer and I love it.Your favorite place on this planet?
My favorite place on the planet has to be either Hawaii or Yosemite. Tough choice.Do you have any specific goals for your travel?
some goals for my travel are to take the best photos and videos I can. But also know when to put the camera down and just enjoy where I am, and the culture.Place you would love to visit?
The places I want to visit are Iceland, Faroe Islands, Tibet, Himalayas, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Thailand.How would you describe your photography style?
I would best describe my photography style as surreal travel. I try to bring the best parts out of the places I go.Do you have a favorite image or experience? If so, can you tell us the backstory?
Any favorite image I’ve taken would have to be the one with the bubble and the San Clemente Pier. It’s a photo that I could never recreate if I tried, just was the right place and the right time. I feel like it really encompasses what San Clemente is and is about.You travel a lot, how many places did you visit in 2017?
I visited a good amount of places in 2017 all in the U.S. though. Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Antelope Canyon, Bend Oregon, Joshua Tree, Zion, Mammoth, and anywhere along the California coast from San Diego to Los Angeles.Worst travel experience?
My worst travel experience happened when I was younger. I was in the U.S. Virgin Islands in St. John and fell down and landed straight on a cactus. We had to pull each one of the barbs out one by one….worst thing ever. Didn’t really get to enjoy the trip after that.Your goals for 2018?
My travel goals for 2018 are hopefully Iceland, Hawaii, and somewhere in Europe. You can see more of Jackson’s Gallery here below or you can hit his Instagram hereDon’t miss out on THEPERSPECTVE-related content straight to your emails: subscribe us here.