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Maybe first tell us something about you, your name, where you’re from, what you’re doing for life, etc.
I’m Sjoerd, almost 24-year-old and I’m from the Netherlands! Last year I finished my study and worked for 7 months at an Apple Store. I needed money to make my dream come true, traveling the world. After 6 months of traveling through Asia, I’m back in my home country.

how would you best describe your photography style?
Well, I mostly grab the camera during my travels, which means my photography is always about travel. Think about pictures of incredible landscapes, beautiful cultures and amazing animals you see during a trip. I think my favorite ‘style’ is landscape photography. If you have a close look at my pictures, you will see that I’m in the picture very often. My goal is to give people the feeling they really want to be there as well or want to change place with me.
How’d you get into photography? Are you formally taught or self-taught?
Well, it’s self-taught. YouTube is a very good teacher and I think the best teacher will be you. If you put a lot of time in it, practice a lot, you will definitely get better and better. Find your style and your way to amaze people with your pictures. I’m traveling since a very young age. My parents gave me a camera for my birthday to take pictures of our hikes in the Alps. That’s where it started for me. Ever since I’m bringing a camera with me when I’m making a trip somewhere, to capture memories and inspire people to go to certain places as well.

Do you have a favorite image or experience? If so, can you tell us the backstory?
My most recent experience is been one of my best experiences ever. Hiking the Himalayas. If you’re into landscapes, it’s definitely the place to be. It took me 8 days to reach Everest Basecamp, a very special place. Being nearby Mount Everest gives a special feeling and seeing the mountain is just stunning. You have to face heights above 5500m during the hike, while Everest is constantly watching you. The fact Everest is still 3300m higher than you is incredible.
Tell me about a place you would love to travel to. On this trip, you only get to take one lens with you ~ which would it be and why?
Iceland is number 1 on my bucket list. I don’t think I’ve to explain why! Like I said, landscapes are my favorite and in Iceland, you’ll see landscapes you won’t find somewhere else. It’s like being on another planet, I’ve heard. And which lens to bring? I think a wide angle lens but I’m not sure which one. I don’t have one yet!
Do you have any specific goals for your photography?
Not really. I hope I’m able to keep traveling a lot and inspire people with my photos. Of course, I hope to improve my photography skills and my editing skills the upcoming years, and build a proper portfolio!