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Maybe first tell us something about you, your name, where you’re from, what you’re doing for life, etc.
Ben Mackay, from Sydney Australia. I run an online business which runs pretty automated, so it gives a little more time to spend on my passion for photography and videography.

how would you best describe your photography style?
my style has evolved over time, but recently I’ve been really enjoying shooting the ocean and the array of pastel colours that come along with it.
How’d you get into photography? Are you formally taught or self-taught?
I started in high school, but didn’t really take it serious until many years later when commercial drones first arrived. The perspective a drone offered really sparked my interest again and I’ve never looked back. Ive never formally learnt, but I’ve really enjoyed finding my own way from others in he community and the power of YouTube.
Do you have a favorite image or experience? If so, can you tell us the backstory
I think I don’t have a favourite, as I’m always looking for the next inspiration to strike. When it does I feel like I’m all in on it.
Tell me about a place you would love to travel to. On this trip you only get to take one lens with you ~ which would it be and why?
I love travelling and have been to a bunch of amazing places but I’ve yet to go to the Maldives. So I would love to shoot there! If I could bring one lens, it would be the drone. But for my camera it would a nice travel option like a 24-105mm
Do you have any specific goals for your photography?
In terms of goals for my photography, I’m currently in the process of setting up my print store. But other than that, I just want to keep growing, learning and meeting other amazing creators.
Ben Mackay (@benmack_)