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Tell us something about you…
My name is Matt Tucker, I was born and raised in Sydney Australia and I’m 32 years old. I work full time with one of my best friend where I’m a director of a construction company in Sydney.
How would you describe your photography style?
I would describe my style of photography as a mixture of dark, moody, soft and tropical. I really love to experiment with different feels and tones to further define my photography.
How’d you get into Photography?
I got into photography when I purchased a drone about 6 months ago. I didn’t plan on it sticking as a hobby but once I started I couldn’t stop and everything I have learned about photography has been self-taught by either watching YouTube videos or just trying it for myself.
Your favorite image? The story behind it?
My favorite image I have ever taken has to be the one of my girlfriend standing on the Stockton sand dunes. It was such a surreal experience to go there and find something that resembles the surface of Mars just an hour out of Sydney.
Place you would love to travel to?
If I could travel to one place now it would be Canada for their breathtaking landscapes and lakes. The one lens I would take (well not really a lens) would be my drone. It’s so versatile and I just wouldn’t leave for a holiday without it.
Do you have any specific goals for your Photography?
My goals for my photography are pretty simple, just improve and progress my style.