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Tell us something about you…
My name is Mike I’m from Melbourne Australia, I’m a full-time automotive photographer but am also a passionate urban and aerial photographer. I picked up my first camera when I was 13, through skateboarding. We all chipped in to buy a camera for our group to make videos for our Youtube Channel at the time. ( We had a staggering 200 followers (laughs)) for the most part, I ending up using the camera the most. Always enjoyed editing and filmmaking. One winter the weather was so bad we couldn’t skate so the group split up and we went our separate ways. I stuck with my camera and enjoyed taking long exposures and light painting. Fast forward a year or so I started to incorporate the colour blue into my style of photography. I liked the colour blue because it worked with the style of urban photos I was going with. Now I edit a photo based on how I feel and how realistic I’d like it to look. The best way I can describe it is, I try and edit how I remembered the day or what I was feeling.
Describe your Photography style…
The best way I can describe my style is surreal. I’ve been told that my photos represent the movie Tron and also my photos are like something out of a video game.
How’d you get into Photography?
Skateboarding got me started in my world of Photography. I’m also a huge revhead so car meets were also part of my weekend activities. I’m completely self-taught apart from the occasional YouTube tutorial (laughs). The funny thing is, in my last year of school I almost failed Photography. My teacher hated that I did absolutely no theory work. I only did work that I wanted to do. Never any of the work he assigned. Luckily my principal loved my work and made sure I passed the year (laughs).
Your favourite image?
This would have to be my favourite photo. I could stare at it forever and never get sick of it. This is a photo of my hometown, where I grew up. Where I learnt everything I know. My home, my city. Melbourne. This is a drone shot taken on a DJI Phantom 4 Pro.

Place you would love to travel to?
Incredibly tough question but Antartica is a place I would love to experience. I would pack a 24-70mm it would be the perfect Lens to shoot the wide open wastelands but also get tight shots of the mountains and animals.
Goals for your Photography?
My goal in Photography is to make sure I never lose passion for what I do. As much as it’s a business to me I will never forget why I started – Because I was passionate. I’m sure as long as I have that thought on me…
The world is mine.