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Tell us something about you….
My name is Alex. I am from wonderful Greece and i am 30 years old. I love travelling and also visiting some of the most beautiful hotels in the world.
do you have any specific goals for your videography/photography?
I just want to shot great hotels and places all over the world!
how would you describe your style?
hmm .. i think it is minimal… but also luxury.
what advice would you give for finding your personal style?
just be yourself… and choose something you love, because then, you will do it at the highest level!
do you feel pressure (on the internet, etc)?
Sometimes of course! Who does not?
do you have a favorite photo? What’s your favorite shot a project which meant a lot to you?
I love my content.
But especially Stella Island Luxury Resort and Spa means a lot for me. Because i had an insane shot from there that helped me a lot!

who is the most inspiring person /artist you know and why?
Hmm there are so many!
But i would choose Jeremy Austin. He started everything. He is the Godfather of hotel content.
goals for 2020?
So,first of all i wish health!! It was a difficult season …
For me.. continue shooting insane resorts and grow as much as i can!
Your favourite place you always love to travel to? Place you would love to live one day?
Difficult question, i live in Greece. The most beautiful country for vacations!
So if it is for vacay i will choose Maldives. For living, New York City.
I loved this place!
How would you describe your lifestyle?
A traveller’s lifestyle is not easy, but gives you fantastic experiences!
How long have you been creating content now?
About 3 years.
Worst travel experience?
I was at Brussels at Christmas…
And it was late in the night .. our flight was next day, early in the morning. So we couldn’t found our rent car… we forgot where was the parking… after 3 hours we found it somehow. So this was really a bad experience!
What was the best that happened to you?
I cant remember … maybe many!
But when i realised that my followers love my content …yes that was a really happy moment!
What does motivate to you to do what you do?
I just love travelling!
But especially want to see the most beautiful places and resorts in the world!
That my no.1!