Tell us something about you…
My name is Oliver Sjöström. I’m a photographer/ Filmmaker. I got into photography and the creative arts not so long ago. I was a late bloomer so to say. Originally I studied economics and mastered graduated with a masters degree in 2015. I got a well paid job in Stockholm. Originally being from a small town in the South of Sweden I quickly realized that the capital and the job I had really wasn’t something for me. I quit my job and started to travel. It was then that I found photography. And more so to use photography as a means of travel. To show, share and create experiences with it.
How’d you get into photography? Are you formally taught or self-taught?
Everything I know about photography and filmmaking I have learnt through reading books, youtube and simple trial and error. I try to create something every day. It’s because of the good will of other photographers, that have been willing to share their knowledge that I have been able to grow. It’s for this reason that I want to share my knowledge as well. I try to do so on my instagram and I also recently started a Youtube Channel where I will be talking and giving tips about photography and filmmaking. Actually I see how my own skills improve by sharing them with others.

Your Goals for 2018?
My goal for 2018 is therefore to step up my youtube game and try to share as much as possible on that platform. I also run my own freelance business

Your favourite place on this planet?
My favorite place to shoot so far has been Indonesia. More specific Bali and Lombok. The senecry there is amazing. And the possibilities to collaborate and meet people there almost seem endless.
Tell us about a place you would Travel to…
Even though I love South east Asia I have been there five times already. My next destination I wish to explore is Central America. Cuba and Costa Rica seem like some very interesting destinations. – Oliver Sjöström You can see more of Oliver Gallery here below or you can hit to his Instagram here and check his website here for more inspiration.